5 Seeds to Sow and Reap Big in 2015

Have you ever read a book and received a profound take away? What about watching something that inspired you to be better? We’ve all had those “aha Oprah moments,” those unveilings of clarity that leave us better than before. Recently, I had one too.

I was watching my favorite TV mentor, Bishop TD Jakes. He was discussing the magnitude of a seed. He said, “if you don’t like what you reap, change what you sow.” That simple message shifted my perspective. I began to think about my business in an entirely different way. As we kick off this new year, I urge you to do the same.

You have the power to transform your harvest and accelerate your success. If you want different results, you must plant different seeds. So put on your mental overalls and get ready to plant. But before you do, make sure you take note of these eight fundamental seeds you need to reap big in 2015.

Clarity is a beautiful thing. Knowing exactly what you want is really the only way to get it. That’s why the first and most pivotal seed to plant is the seed of clarity. It is your most powerful asset. When I was younger, I wanted external things. I wanted what money could buy. But now, I recognize the best gifts are the ones tucked inside us. It’s the internal seeds that ignite our brilliance. That’s why the greatest business gift you can have is clarity. It’s within you and once you get it, your business and all the steps to grow it, become clear.

Your personal transformation is key to your success. Your business is the fruit, but you are the tree. If your roots are not embedded in the right mindset, your business won’t grow. Therefore, look at your leadership gaps, character traits and thinking. Invest in training and resources that will help you grow. When you transform who you are personally, you maximize who you are professionally.

Action is the most distinguishing characteristic of power-preneurs. You can read about business. You can have great mentors, innovative ideas and the best of intentions. But without massive action, your business will fail. Don’t let inaction stifle you. Identify action takers in your market. Learn their rhythm and systems. Use your findings to create momentum in your own business. Visionary and icon Jim Rohn

said, “Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let it lead to action.” He understood that real action is the only thing that yields real results.

Nothing will shift the trajectory of your business like gratitude. It’s an internal and outward recognition of your business vision. When you are grateful for every aspect of your business, for who you are, what you have, and even what you don’t, your gratitude manifests a powerful return on every seed you sow.

Connection is much bigger than networking because it humanizes your brand. It allows you to touch and impact your consumer and your team in a profound way. Let this new year propel you

into marketing efforts and visibility strategies that do more than sell. Use those opportunities to share your story and the story behind your offerings. The more you connect with the consumer, the more you sell.

So what are you going to do this year? You are going to plant great seeds to reap an even greater harvest. Remember, “if you don’t like what you reap, change what you sow.”

Teri Nichole Harrison is an attorney, success strategist and motivational speaker. She is the CEO & founder of Fearless & Fabulous Worldwide , a personal development and business consulting firm for women entrepreneurs. Teri is also the author of Winning at Entrepreneurship: Innovative Strategies for Small Business Success. Follow her on Twitter: @_TeriHarrison.

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