10 Ways to Cope with a Job You Hate

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I’m grateful to have had some kind of steady employment since the age of sixteen, and with the job scarcity that exists in the present day of this country, people no longer have the luxury of jumping from one job to the other. For this reason, thousands of Americans are overworked, underpaid and filled with a daily anxiety of having to report to a job that they truly despise just to maintain their lifestyles. Hopefully a few small changes can make the difference between you getting your bills paid and not losing your mind. Check out a few ways to cope with a job you can’t stand.

1. Focus on work, and forget the drama.

It can be easy to get sucked into drama with

co-workers and the cutthroat mechanics of the career ladder, but all that time you spend participating in personal drama is time that you are taking away from improving your professional status. Maybe you don’t wish to own the company one day, but at the same time you wouldn’t be there if you didn’t have bills to pay. Never let other people’s problems jeopardize your finances.

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