12 Traits of a Successful Employee at a Startup

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Working for a startup can have unique perks and issues, from being able to advance quickly to not having the same resources as a larger, more established business or corporation. As an employee at a newbie company, there are several things to consider to successfully grow and advance.

AOL Jobs offers 12 things a professional should think about before accepting a position at a startup or when embarking on a new career move at one.

Can You Roll With the Punches? “Working at a startup means being comfortable with wearing many hats. Unlike bigger organizations, small companies require more flexibility and creativity. If you prefer to work in an environment where there are set positions and goals, then a larger company may be more appropriate. However, if you enjoy dynamic and constantly evolving experiences, then working at a startup could be a good fit!”

—Alexandra Mayzler | Founder and Director, Thinking Caps Tutoring

Endless Motivation “It’s hard to constantly be motivated on what you’re working on. Sometimes you just want to take a long break or work on something else temporarily, but it’s crucial to stay motivated. The more persistent you are, the greater the chance of success for your startup.”

—Ben Lang | Founder, EpicLaunch

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