3 Characteristics of Game Changing Entrepreneurs

Is it just me or do certain entrepreneurs possess bold, estimable qualities that stand out in the crowd? Perhaps it’s because they define destiny on their terms versus someone elses. Maybe it’s the tenacity earned from turning nothing to something. Regardless, there’s a definite business swag and worth-ethic that distinguishes “the best” from the rest. Which category do you fit in? Check out these three key attributes of game changing entrepreneurs:

1. They don’t need cheerleaders.

Many of us are conditioned to believe we need external encouragement in order to thrive. Yet, the most successful people in the world have mastered the art of encouraging themselves. Game changers are self-motivated, with an innate drive for success. They don’t predicate their achievement on approval from others.

If what you can do or who you can be is contingent upon anything external, you will never reach your highest height. Your ambition to be a powerhouse entrepreneur must come from within.  Great athlete’s like LeBron James and Serena Williams don’t need cheerleaders to enhance their game. Whether the cheerleaders jump or the crowd claps, they show up—ready to win and ready to play. You have to be the exact same way in business.

2. Their success is urgent.

Most people put off to tomorrow what they can do today—but not game changers. Game changers have a sense of urgency about their success.  They don’t entertain fear or get side tracked by doubt. They take measurable action in their business, consistently and effectively.

In addition, they have unbreakable focus. They can accomplish more in three hours than others accomplish in one week. Game changers stay up late, burning the midnight oil, looking for innovative ways to maximize a return. When competitors are creating quarterly goals, game changers are already strategizing for the next five years.  Bottom line, entrepreneurs with a sense of urgency will always get ahead. Their go-getter mentality is the difference between those who make thousands and those who make billions.

3. They possess impeccable follow-through.

Follow through, by far, is a must

have attribute of successful entrepreneurs. While most people struggle with execution, game changers do it day after day. They understand getting your feet wet isn’t enough; changing the game means going all in. It requires high-level commitment. According to Executive Coach Scott Regan, “studies show that anywhere between 80 and 90 percent of plans never get implemented.”  That means people who consistently follow through are the exception and not the rule. Remember, don’t just set goals; reach them because follow through is a game changing skill.

All in all, in the business world, mediocrity gets you nowhere. If you want to step up and stand out, having these three essential characteristics is a must. Motivate yourself, have urgency about your success and up-level your follow through. Doing these three simple things will position you to not just play the game, but to change it.

Teri Nichole Harrison is an attorney, success strategist and start-up consultant for radical entrepreneurs. She is the CEO & founder of Fearless & Fabulous Worldwide, a personal development and business consulting company in Nashville, Tennessee. Teri is also the founding attorney of the Tennessee Business Law Center and the author of Winning at Entrepreneurship: Innovative Strategies for Small Business Success. For daily empowerment and business insight, follow Teri on twitter @_TeriHarrison and visit her website, www.ffworldwide.com.

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