4 Ways to Improve Your Mental Fitness

Whether you are a high-level executive or an entrepreneur, business success comes from a combination of physical and mental ability. The key is learning how to focus your mind to follow through and take action.

Three traits that are exhibited in mentally fit individuals are accountability, optimism  and focus. Here, we outline ways to achieve these attributes one step at a time:

Determine Daily Affirmations

Mental fitness doesn’t just entail removing negative thoughts. You also have to replace them with thoughts of strength and positivity.  Your favorite athlete doesn’t just wake up, go to the arena, hit the winning shot and then go home. and go to bed. Throughout the day, he is channeling positive thoughts with statements like: “I’m going to nail that next put” or “I’m going to hit this game winning shot.”  Similarly, successful professionals constantly flood their minds with thoughts of success and achievements.

Have a Game Plan

What’s the game plan in order for you to win? The choices and actions people exercise on a regular basis are in complete contradiction to their goals. Everyone says they want to live a long, healthy life but many don’t exercise, eat horribly, and overindulge in alcohol and smoking.  People typically fault their unhealthy choices on life — busy schedules, pop culture, the economy, and so on.  In reality, living a long, healthy life isn’t really a goal for these people, it’s just a wish.  The absence of goals promotes excuses and the justification for being incredibly average and unhealthy.

Identify Your Vision

Answer two questions: First, what’s my purpose in life?  And what is the overall reason for my existence? Most people don’t ask themselves these questions and the result is living someone else’s dream. Make a conscience decision to create the life you want rather than letting the game of life decide for you.  There’s no right or wrong answer but the questions will help you create a vision of the life you want to live.


Establishing priorities is an important item to consider before you can fully define who’s winning the game. While your purpose tells you why you are here, your priorities establish what you value.

Start by listing your current top-five projects or tasks and then determine how important the task is to achieving your end goal. Cross-reference your list with your current commitments. Anything that you are doing that isn’t helping you attain a goal should be assigned a lower value or removed completely from the list.

Decide today to take the necessary actions for growth and improvement  to become that great individual. By following these steps, you will dramatically increase the likelihood for personal and professional success.


Dennis Pierre is the owner of BKLYN Fitness,

a personal training business located in his hometown of Brooklyn, New York.  After attaining his BBA in Accounting from Pace University, Dennis worked in the finance field for several years before deciding to follow his passion for entrepreneurship, finesses and community service.  Recognizing a need to teach others how to incorporate fitness into their busy lives to achieve a healthier lifestyle,     BKYN Fitness was born.

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