5 Money Tips: Snowstorm Nemo Edition!

A snowstorm of potentially record-setting proportions is set to blanket the Northeast, so here are some money-saving tips to get you (and your wallet) through the storm.

1. Invest in sturdy, reliable equipment. Is there anything worse than flimsy snow-removal equipment breaking over and over again? No, there is not. It’s best to invest in sturdy, efficient equipment rather than go the for cheap, quick fix. Resist the temptation!

2. Keep your car tucked away! Many of us simply don’t have access to suburban luxuries like garages, but this shouldn’t hinder you from seeking shelter for Betsy. Look into local garages and inquire with neighbors and friends if you can. Not only will it save you the time and energy of cleaning your car off, but it will take away the wear and tear that batters your car when it’s buried in snow.

3. Team up with your neighbors. Supplies that help keep your walkway clear of ice and keep snowstorms from making our lives truly miserable. Ask neighbors to chip in and split the costs where appropriate. Then do the right thing and look out for the elderly in your neighborhood.

4. Use the storm’s aftermath for Family Fun Day. Is there a hill or park in your neighborhood? Chances are it’s being used — for a grand total of zero dollars — as a winter wonderland! Don’t hesitate to spend time enjoying the snow with kids and family. It’s a lot less expensive (and more fun) than Chuck E. Cheese.

5. Make some extra cash!

There’s no better time to make a little extra pocket chance than a huge, and possibly epic, snowstorm. Encourage those enterprising teenagers in your family to get out there with their shovels and hustle. It’ll teach them a good lesson about hard work and taking advantage of supply and demand.

Got anymore tips? Sound off in the comments!

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