5 Things to Know Before You Fire Your Boss

Firing your boss is never an easy decision to make. But if you’ve decided it’s time to move on to bigger and better things to start your own company, you should ask yourself these questions first.

1. What am I going to do next? You need to be incredibly clear about your next step. If you’re leaving to open up your own company, have you asked yourself those 12 hard questions you should ask before writing a business plan? Is your new business funded? If you can’t pay all of your expenses in your new gig as CEO, you’re not ready to move. Opening a new business is stressful enough; you don’t need the added pressure of no income.

2. Do I have a solid business plan in place? Having a good idea isn’t enough. You need to have a

solid plan that answers all of those 12 main questions you should be prepared to answer. Too often people think they’re ready to move on because they have a big idea. You’ve got to have the details in place, too!

3. Do I have the proper human resources to make it work? So many functions can be outsourced while you’re in startup mode — from your CFO services to your copyediting! Make sure you’ve created a list of all of your important vendors, and make sure they’re in place.

4. Have I developed my brand? Do you have a logo, business cards, and a website in place? Those are three brand essentials that you’ll need. You can use a site like logotournament.com to get a stylish, professional logo for as little as $200! Then hire the same designer to work on these other elements for you.

5. Have I created support network? Once you’ve developed the plan, share it with some key influencers in your life. Ask them to hold you accountable for your plan, and set up quarterly dinners or lunches with them to discuss. The more likely you’ll have to discuss your plan at set times each quarter, the more likely you’ll be to meet deliverables.

Good luck!

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