5 Toxic Beliefs That Ruin Careers

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The path to success starts from within, with a mindset that facilitates growth and advancement. Some hold on to negative beliefs that can keep them from achieving their full potential in their careers and their lives. Whether it’s thoughts nurtured during childhood or developed after loss or disappointment, these toxic hangups have no place in the mind of a leader.

Inc.com offers five beliefs that can ruin careers and chances for success.

1. My self-worth is based on what others think of me.

Some people define themselves based upon how they guess their boss, co-workers, relatives and friends see them. When they are convinced that others think poorly of them, such people lack the self-confidence necessary to consistently take action.

2. My past equals my future.

When some people experience a series of setbacks, they assume that their goals are not achievable.

Over time, they become dispirited and discouraged, and avoid situations where failure is a risk.  Because any significant effort entails risk, such people are then unable to make significant achievements.

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