6 Habits of Stand-Out Employees

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When it comes to getting promotions, pursuing career advancement or making a great impression, being the silent worker bee oftentimes won’t cut it. One has to stand out among the pack to be noticed and rewarded.

Inc.com offers six habits of memorable employees who do just that, allowing their talents to shine and actively going for what they believe they deserve in the workplace.

Don’t see. Do.: Can you speak intelligently about how clothing provides a window into the inner lives of Mad Men

characters? Do you find yourself arguing about how the degree of depth lost in the Game of Thrones TV series as compared to the books?

Anyone can share opinions about movies or TV or even (I’ll grudgingly admit) books. That’s why opinions are quickly forgotten. What you say isn’t interesting; what you do is interesting.

Spend your life doing instead of watching. Cool things will happen. Cool things are a lot more interesting and a lot more memorable.

That’s especially true when you…

Do something unusual: Draw a circle and put all your “stuff” in it. Your circle will look a lot like everyone else’s: Everyone works, everyone has a family, everyone has homes and cars and clothes….

We like to think we’re unique, but roughly speaking we’re all the same, and similar isn’t memorable.

So occasionally do something different. Backpack to the next town just to see how many people

stop to offer you a ride. (Don’t take them up on it, though. Unless you appear to be in distress, the people who want to give you a ride are the last people you want to ride with.) Try to hike/scramble to the top of a nearby mountain no one climbs. (Trust me; take water.) Compete with your daughter to see who can swim the most laps in three hours. (If you live in my house you’ll lose. Badly.)

Or work from a coffee shop one day just to see what you learn about other people… and about yourself.

Whatever you do, the less productive and sensible it is, the better. Your goal isn’t to accomplish something worthwhile; the goal is to collect experiences.

Experiences, especially unusual experiences, make your life a lot richer and way more interesting. You can even…

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