6 Steps to Refreshing and Recharging Your Career

(Image: Thinkstock)

It’s six months into 2014, and we all made those resolutions at the beginning of the year to improve various aspects of our lives including our careers. What has been your progress so far? Is your career still in the same stale place it was at the beginning of the year? If so, check out this six-step plan to recharge and revive your professional platform:

Refresh your resume. Even if you’re not actively looking for a job right now, you could be in the future, and it’s a pain to go through a five-year-old resume and revamp everything in one sitting. So, periodically review your resume to make sure the information is up-to-date. If your dream job suddenly asks you to apply, would you be ready for it?

  • If you have a strong online presence (a website, blog, portfolio, etc.), consider adding hyperlinks to your resume so employers can check out more on you without your having to include a ton of information on the resume itself. (Short and sweet is best.)
  • Clean up the organizational scheme to make it easier to read.
    That font explosion you thought was a nifty way to organize isn’t. Bullets, white space and simplicity are in.
  • Make sure your references are up-to-date. A quick check-in email to touch base with them (and remind them who you are) doesn’t hurt.

Streamline your systems. Making your days easier and more productive will make you a more valuable employee–and give you more energy and time to focus on your overarching career goals.

  • Keep on top of the latest in to-do apps, sites and other technological tools that can make everything from project management to scheduling infinitely easier.

Read more at Brazen Careerist …

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