6 Tips For A Better Company Website

Many website owners think a better website means a complete overhaul — a brand new website. In some cases that may be true, but with a couple tweaks you can make the difference between bland and beautiful. There are more than two dozen tips to create a better website, but here are six to get you started from WebDesignLedger.com:

1. Have a call to action on every page

Every p

age on your website should be making your visitor act on something. Maybe it’s to get them to purchase your ebook, view your credentials, or watch a demo video. Whatever it is, make it known to the user. Remember, they don’t want to think when they’re browsing your site. Whether it’s a button or a hyperlink, but something on every page that leads them to the action you ultimately want them to take.

2. Make your site mobile-friendly

Mobile is huge right now. With more than 50% of Americans owning a smartphone, your new customers are likely to come from mobile browsing. But, it’s tough to navigate a site not optimized for a tiny screen. There are plenty of inexpensive tools to create a mobile website from your current site. Explore those or get a designer to make your site mobile-friendly.

3. Cut the distractions (i.e. music and splash pages)

Do you have music playing on your site, or a splash page that blocks people from getting to what they need? Remove it all. Why? Not only is it annoying for many visitors, but it distracts them from doing what you want them to do.

4. Add industry resources

Want to establish yourself as the company to go to in the industry? Then add some resources to your website. This could be reports, surveys, white papers, or helpful links. This material demonstrates to prospective customers you know your stuff. So, get writing!

5. Put your customers to work — add testimonials

Your current customers are a huge asset to your company because they can provide real-world case studies — and testimonials — as to how your company has helped them save time, save money, etc. Reach out to your best customers and ask for a testimonial. Here’s a tip: have it pre-written, so all your customer has to do is approve it.

6. Put your phone number on the home page

Every website should have the company’s phone number. Seems obvious, right? But, many don’t. It’s often buried on a contact page or not on the site at all. Big mistake. Many visitors head to your website just to find your phone number, so make it prominent on your homepage. The top right corner is usually best — or down in the footer.


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