6 Ways to Get Media Coverage On Your Startup

From attracting new clients and investors to building your credibility as a speaker, landing media coverage can take your brand or startup to the next level. So if you’re ready to increase your chances of getting media coverage check out a few pitch tips below:


Pitch a Problem and Solution, Not Your Startup


It’s not about you; it’s about the needs of the media outlet’s target audience. Make your messaging stand out by focusing on the solutions you provide for a specific audience.

Show How You Add Value in Your Pitch


How does what you’re offering benefit the outlet’s audience? Does your product or service save time or money? Can it improve someone’s daily routine? Can it help you avoid the hassle and headache?

Consider the Timing of Your Pitch and Make it Relevant to The Media Outlet


Connect your story idea with current events, trends, or even a writer’s recent article. For print features, keep in mind, many publications work three to four months in advance.

Research the Media Outlet and Its Target Audience


Sometimes a publication’s media kit, publishing calendar, and the writer responsible for a specific beat, are available online.

Simply Google the name of the publication and the word “Media kit.” For instance, “Black Enterprise + Media Kit.”

Always Be Prepared for Media Connections


Journalists search social media channels for story ideas so keep your business visible and engaged with your target audience and industry trends. You should publish content regularly, be active online (e.g., Twitter Chats, webinars, YouTube Videos, and Instagram stories) and attend local events. Remember, you are a walking, talking billboard for your brand—so stay ready. Your website should be fully functional and social media profiles public.

Never Forget to Follow Up


Allow three to four days for a follow-up. And include an enticing piece of information like a new major sponsor or analytics about your startup or the market in which it operates.

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