On the Hunt: 7 Deadly Sins of Job Seekers

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Searching for and landing a new job can be both exhilarating and challenging. In the process, frustration can set in after leads turn out to be a bust, offers aren’t coming in—or aren’t up to par with your skills—and rejection becomes more and more frequent. Some job seekers get desperate, displaying behaviors that do more harm than good.

When one gives in to desperation or

frustration, the results can be catastrophic, not only to their career advancement pursuits but to their focus and confidence. Even when times get tough, it’s always best to remain positive and keep integrity as the foundation of your efforts.

Brazen Careerist details seven deadly sins for job seekers to avoid. Stay away from these vices during your search to ensure job-seeking success.

Beware of showing your wrath online.
Don’t let greed dictate your dream job.

Sloth is your worst enemy.
Let go of your pride, even just a bit.
Curb your lust for shiny objects
Gluttony can kill your chances of getting hired.
Focus on inspiration, not envy.

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