7 Smart Qualities of an Awesome Startup Employee

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It’s quite a different experience working for a large, established company in comparison to a small, promising startup. The business culture has its unique aspects and oftentimes, you may not initially have the same perks as someone who works in Corporate America. Being prepared and knowing whether a startup environment is for you is a must.

Inc. contributor Jeff Haden details a few

key qualities of a startup employee that leads to a successful match for both the worker and the newbie company. These include the ability to work through issues such as lack of staff support or fancy decor; the fearlessness to act on solving problems versus drawn-out strategizing; and the drive to perform not based on title or tenure, but actual qualitative results.

Many of these qualities are similar to those entrepreneurs embody, almost making the best employees at a startup an entrepreneurial-minded person themselves.

“What matters–or is valued–in a corporate environment can be a productivity and culture killer in a small business,” Haden adds.

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