9 Savvy Ways to Conquer a Workday of Chaos

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Oftentimes it can get a bit hectic in the workplace, no matter what industry you’re in. From meetings and events to deadlines and emails, balancing it all can become challenging. If your workday can be described as chaotic, here are way to sail through it with ease:

1. Prioritize tasks based on your goals and objectives: Not all tasks are created the same. You must determine what your ultimate goal and objective is for the day. Is your job to advocate for a policy, improve turnout for a community event or sell a product or service?

Once you identify the objective of your work that day, it should be easier to identify what should come first.

2. Start with the most important tasks: Determine what’s important and what can wait. Make sure the tasks that you’ve selected for the day are in line with your goals for the day.

Let’s say you’re trying to get the word out for an event in the community. You need to call leaders in the community, craft a flyer to inform people and promote the event through local media. If event logistics aren’t your goal for the day, there’s no reason to coordinate with the center where the event will take place. All you have to do is focus on turnout for today. Nothing else.

Read more at Brazen Careerist…

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