A Dream Or A Goal?

Q: I have the reasons to save and invest, but lack the will power and resources to get and stay motivated. I have plans. I have dreams. I just don’t have the motivational tools to achieve them. Can you help?
–A. Taylor, Via the Internet

A: I urge you to call our toll-free number, 877-WEALTHY, and order the BLACK ENTERPRISE Wealth Building Kit, or download it from our Website. It is a great resource for those just getting started on the path of disciplined saving and investing. A key component of the kit is the Declaration of Financial Empowerment, 10 key principles of wealth building to encourage you to commit to financial health.

You may have heard the saying, A goal without a plan is just a wish. Most people say they want to be wealthy. Few actually make specific plans to do so. And fewer still take the necessary steps to bring those plans to fruition. Is becoming committed to saving and investing a goal you are actively, even desperately, trying to achieve? Or is it just a dream you passively hope will come true? If it is truly your goal, it must be so important to you that you are motivated to do whatever it takes to achieve it. The only person who can provide that motivation is you.

I suggest you read the following books: Goal Setting 101: How to Set and Achieve a Goal and The Ten Commandments of Goal Setting: Violate

Them At Your Own Risk! both by Gary Ryan Blair (The GoalsGuy; $7.95 each). Also, check out Motivation and Goal Setting: How to Set and Achieve Goals and Inspire Others by Jim Cairo (Career Press; $10.99).

Mail your motivational questions to: Help Yourself, BLACK ENTERPRISE 130 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011 or send an e-mail to: edmonda@blackenterprise.com.

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