A Green Valentine’s Day Guide

Valentine’s Day is here and it’s time to do something special for your loved one. If you are looking for some last-minute ideas, staying green on this romantic day may be easier than you think. Here are some ideas for pleasing your valentine, as well as mother earth.

1. Organic flowers. Flowers are a staple of Valentine’s Day, but make sure the bouquet is organic. OrganicBouquet.com offers a wide variety of floral arrangements from growers who adhere to environmental and social standards. Look for the Veriflora symbol to ensure that flowers and plants are grown in an environmentally responsible manner.

2. Fair Trade chocolates. Valentine’s Day would not be complete without at least a little bit of chocolate. Fair Trade-certified chocolates ensure that the cocoa farmers and workers who produce the chocolate are paid a fair wage and that the product is organic. Two sites to visit are EqualExchange.com, which offers fairly traded chocolate, tea, coffee, and sugar; and OrganicStyle.com, which has a variety of gourmet and organic specialties including chocolate and wine.

3. Recycled cards. If sending an e-card won’t fully express your love, be sure your Valentine’s Day card is made from recycled paper. GreenfieldPaper.com offers a variety of cards made from post consumer waste and hemp—and if not already green enough—its signature Grow A Note cards have wildflower seeds embedded in the paper.

4. Beauty products. A little bit of pampering is always welcome, so all-natural beauty products are sure to be a big hit. EDENBodyWorks.com offers all-natural soaps, bath salts, and aromatherapy candles—perfect for a relaxing evening.

5. Green Intimates. BlueCanoe.com has specialized in organic cotton intimates for 13 years, providing options that are comfortable for you and the environment. You may also want to check out the organic cotton robes at UnderTheCanopy.com-—available in a variety of colors, prints, and lengths.

6. Sustainable jewelry. Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but wearing conflict-free diamonds makes the jewelry all the more beautiful. BrilliantEarth.com provides environmentally responsible diamonds, as well as gold and platinum. These eco-friendly diamonds are safe, as well as trendy. If diamonds aren’t your thing, try Verlu.com

where you can purchase handcrafted earrings, necklaces, rings, and bracelets made from harvested wood.

7. Share an organic meal. Indulge in a tasty organic Valentine’s Day dinner. LocalHarvest.org provides listings of organic restaurants, farmer’s markets, and small farms around the country. Log on to see the choices in your neighborhood. HappyCow.com also provides a database of vegan and all-natural establishments.

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