A New Tradition

Q: I have always wanted to be a writer, and I have worked hard to write a book. I heard that there are some sites that encourage writers to publish their work without paying huge sums of money up front. Do you know of any such publishing houses?
—T. Etchie, Via the Internet

Q: Although I can’t refer you to specific publishers, I do know of a few places that are valuable resources for those interested in being published to learn more about nontraditional options. As

always, though, my advice is to make sure that you are well-informed. The publishing business is a competitive one, and there is no get-rich-quick solution if you are serious about your craft and the business.

One place to start is BookWire (www.bookwire.com), which offers valuable tools such as links to publishers, articles, and a BookWire Forum, where writers can share information. Also, check out Xlibris (www.xlibris.com), which offers services such as publishing, copyediting, and marketing, in addition to other services. Suite 101 (www .suite101.com) is an online

community of writers that may offer some helpful information as well. Also consider Publish America (www.publish america.com) and iUniverse (www .bookpublishingonline1.com). To see how one author found success in nontraditional publishing, check out Nina Foxx’s site (www.ninafoxx .com). Good luck.
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