Angel Investor’s Epic Twitter Rant About ‘Fake’ Founders in ‘Startup Land’

Angel Investor Jason Calacanis took to Twitter over the weekend to rant about “fake” startup founders.

Calacanis wrote there are so many fakers in “st

artup land today” and “so few actual founders.” He went on to write that dealing with those looking for angel investing sometimes feels like he’s in “a bad SNL skit.”

He then outlined all the requirements it takes to launch a successful startup in a series of tweets that, while blunt, offered great advice.

Calacanis advised startup founders who were not willing to put in the required work to “go back to your mom’s basement” and eat “your Hot Pockets.”

The advice comes from a good source. Calacanis has launched several successful businesses including Weblogs, Inc., which was bought by AOL in 2005. He’s since founded his own investment company, which has backed a slew of notable startups, including Evernote, Tumblr, Uber, and others.

Here are Calacanis’ tweets, in all their epic [and unedited] glory:


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