Former NBA Player Antonio Davis Accused of Stealing from Ex Wife’s Account

Former Chicago Bulls player Antonio Davis is getting divorced from his wife of 19 years, Kendra Rae Davis. Kendra, a former interior designer, filed for divorce in June of 2013. She has now made allegations that her soon to be ex-husband is stealing from their joint account.

According to MadameNoire, Kendra is accusing Antonio of

withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars. Close to a total of $750,000 to be exact. Nearly $600,000 dollars was used to purchase a home. Kendra now wants that money back and for her legal fees to be paid.

According to Georgia divorce law: “Even if one of the partners never earned one dollar, that partner is considered to have contributed to the family’s property (or wealth) and has rights to a percentage of that property.”

Do you think he should pay it back?

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