App Helps Consumers Spot Suspicious Charges

In light of the recent data breaches that have been spreading like wild fire, you might be concerned about the safety of your personal information. One helpful little tool is BillGuard, a mobile app used to track activity on accounts. It allows consumers to view all of their credit and debit card transactions in one place.

One notable feature is “Tap to Resolve.” A charge that you recognize can be confirmed by swiping your phone’s screen. However, if you don’t recognize a charge, you’ll be able to email the merchant so that you can obtain additional information or request removal of the charge.

In addition, BillGuard can also make you aware of fees that you didn’t even realize you were paying. Examples include a subscription placed in autopay that you simply forgot about or a subscription fee you weren’t aware of when you signed up for a promotional offer.

This app proves especially helpful for alerting consumers to data breaches. On BillGaurd’s Twitter feed, one app user (@leimer) posted this message: “BillGuard the first service to notify me about the California DMV data breach. Not my bank or credit card provider.”

The BillGuard app remains current by sourcing information from other users about merchants that have consistently been problematic. Purchases from those merchants are highlighted on your account.

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