Awesome Ways Companies Are Rewarding Employees

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If you’re a talented, in-demand professional, your benefits negotiations for a new gig never stops at the salary. Oftentimes, healthcare coverage, retirement funds, vacation and flex time are top-of-the-mind needs, and getting those needs met are broached during the hiring process.

Monster.com reports that employers are now finding more ways to give their workers incentives to be happy and fulfilled at work. Here are two stand-out perks:

On-site Wellness: Monster reports that though companies offering fitness incentives is “nothing new,” some companies are integrating it into the daily office activities. “Companies

have on-site gyms, fitness breaks, personal trainers…those that are focused around good health. I have seen places that are in warmer locations, places in Silicon Valley are hosting fitness classes. Hedge fund firms offer massage,” career coach Roy Cohen told Monster.

Caregiver Support: Work-life balance has become a major concern for employees often tasked to work overtime, especially working parents. According to Monster, more offices are offering childcare services and elder care reimbursements.

“Compensation departments increasingly focus on life-stage profiles when designing total rewards offerings such as exploring the needs of parents with young children versus older workers or reviewing

the reward desires of male versus female employees,” HR consultant Robin Schooling told Monster.

Knowing this, employees can make it a point to seek—and ask for—attractive benefits beyond the usual, especially since more companies appear to be seeing the value of offering extras that will help retain workers.

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