Better Business Bureau Warns Of Potential Online Mother’s Day Scams

While many people have their Mother’s Day gifts bought, wrapped, and shipped, many are still scrambling to find the right gift to honor the mother.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is warning those still looking to be aware of potential scams. According to a National Retail Federation survey, families plan to spend more money on Mother’s Day gifts than in previous years. 

Hot items for this year have not changed as flowers, gift cards, and family celebrations top the list for Mother’s Day gifts. With most people at home for the past two years, it is almost a certainty that most Americans will shop online to buy presents for their moms.

The Better Business Bureau is cautioning those who shop online to be cautious and avoid suspicious websites and pop-up ads asking to pay for items with a credit card or through PayPal. Additionally, if you are buying online, use a website you can trust even if it costs more money because it will likely be cheaper than getting scammed.

The BBB is also warning Americans to be careful when buying or selling jewelry online and gift cards and certificates that may have been tampered with. If you see a great deal in your email, check the sender because it may also be a scam. And before you buy online, make sure the website you use is secure by checking to see if the proper safety features are in place.

Mother’s Day is one of the most celebrated holidays in the U.S. today as more than 84% of the country will celebrate the day dedicated to Moms worldwide. Also, more calls are made on Mother’s Day than any other day of the year, as more than 122 million people call their moms and family. Mother’s Day is also the busiest day of the year for restaurants as more than 87 million people go out to dinner for Mother’s Day or make reservations.

Mother’s Day in America began with peacemaker Ann Jarvis, who made a concerted effort during and after the Civil War to foster community and friendship between mothers on both sides of the war. After her mom died, Jarvis’ daughter Anna Reeves Jarvis sought to honor her mother by making Mother’s Day an official holiday. The first American Mother’s Day was celebrated in 1908.

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