Black Woman Makes History as the Owner of a 5,000 Sq Ft Warehouse, Manufacturing Potent Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Melichsia Boss, the owner and CEO of Potent Jamaican Black Castor Oil, is creating ripples through the hair care industry with her line of unique hair care castor products.

With a family recipe started by her late grandfather and her very own 5,000 square feet warehouse, she formulates and manufactures a suite of products geared towards healing damaged hair starting at the scalp. She is the first and only African American woman in the Chicagoland area to have accomplished this.

The Potent Jamaican Black Castor Oil (PJBCO) line of game-changing products has created healthy strands for thirteen years, with a dedicated website for over ten years. The line includes a sea moss collection, hair growth collection, hair growth oils, and Jamaican hair shampoos, conditioners, wholesale, and private label program.

Jamaican black castor oil has been the latest buzz product, taking over the hair care arena. However, Melichsia has taken her family recipe and refined it with a distinctive preparation method completed by a proprietary injection of essential oils and nutrients. The end result is an aromatic, rich, darkly hued concoction that takes damaged thinning hair and reinvigorates it with new luster and length.

Like all great inventors, Melichsia created this product as a solution to a personal problem. Recognizing that current hair products worked for her hair constantly, Melichsia recalled castor oil treatments of

her childhood. A trip down memory lane brought back snippets of her Jamaican grandfather crafting his act of Jamaican castor oil hair treatment and applying it to her hair. With this in mind and releasing her adult hair in disrepair, she took to YouTube. Here she learned that a healthy scalp equates to a healthy head of hair. By combining family tradition with newfound knowledge, the professional marketer decided to build her own company.

Potent Jamaican Black Castor Oil still maintains the traditional way of deriving the oil from roasting instead of pressing. This method provides nutty undertones, creates a deep color, and the residual ash helps fight dandruff-causing bacteria. PJBCO’s offerings are bolstered by essential oils, vitamins, other natural nutritive infusions, and superior hair growth aids, unlike other castor oil items.

Never one to be complacent, Melichsia has now married her Potent Jamaican Black Castor Oil with the equally powerful sea moss. The Seamless Hair Collection is a super blend that aids in helping the entire body. Strong enough to wash away grime and significantly hydrates hair while being gentle.

While PJBCO is sold via Melichsia’s BDI Enterprises and Brands, she also believes in spreading the wealth by enabling entrepreneurs to enter the multibillion-dollar beauty industry.

She accomplishes this through her wholesale and white label program. Through the white label program, persons can purchase bulk unbranded ready-to-use products and add their labels. The wholesale arm sees the enterprise being the primary distributor of the finest black Jamaican castor oil to major brands and businesses.

While many brands can tout a good product, not many can boast an outstanding product that also creates wealth for others. When asked what motivates her to keep creating products, Melichsia shared, “I wanted to create innovative hair care products that focus on scalp care and improve all hair types. This gave me the inspiration and the motivation to join the business arena where I now have a positive impact in the beauty industry.”

This article first appeared on Blacknews.com

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