Blood Alcohol Limit: It Could be Lowered Soon

Drink up, lushes! Your weekly after work happy hour could soon be a buzz-less outing.

The National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday recommended that states reduce the allowed blood-alcohol limit to 0.05 percent from the current 0.08 percent.

Board officials say the blood-alcohol limit, established a decade ago, has stalled progress in reducing the number of roadway fatalities. About 10,000 people die in alcohol related accident annually.

What would this mean for drinkers? Instead of four “tall boy” beers, which would put an average sized male at the 0.08 percent limit, just two beers could be consumed before reaching the 0.05 percent limit. For the average female, three “gin and tonics” would have to be reduced to just two.

However, most regular drinkers know that blood-alcohol concentration varies by body weight, gender, stomach contents and other health related factors.

Whether or not the limit changes, let’s all be safe and responsible.

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