Bravo TV Star Brooklyn Tankard Turns to Fashion Tech [Video]

We recently chatted with Bravo TV’s, Thicker Than Water star, Brooklyn Tankard to talk about her entrepreneurial endeavors, why fashion and tech are a great marriage, and why we should be thinking about investing our money in the Forex Trading Market.

BE: People know you from the show, but what people don’t know is that you have this incredible entrepreneurial background. Tell us more about that.

Brooklyn Tankard: I’m an entrepreneur by nature. It’s in my blood, it’s in my DNA. My entire family is entrepreneurs. My father definitely paved the way by being the world’s best-selling gospel and jazz artist with all of these platinum and gold records as a music artist. He definitely passed that creative gene to me. I sing, I act, but prior to that, I’ve been producing beauty, hair shows, art shows, fashion shows and they’re always fantasy, avant-garde, over the top because I’m a little over the top (laughs).

Image: James Hogan - Vod Photo/Brooklyn Tankard


BE: Let’s get into your musical production, the “I Am Royalty Extravaganza.” Tell us about that.

Brooklyn Tankard

: I’ve always loved plays and musicals and this last play I did in L.A. was really inspiring for me. I said, ‘You know what, I want to tell my story; I have a real story. I have been through some things as a young woman and I have grown so much and I feel that we all are Royalty.’

I wanted to do something different. I said ‘I am Royalty. We’re in London, why not do it in a castle?’ We’re going to make it a full on experience so when you come in, you’re going to feel

like the Queen of the day. The guys are going to feel like the Kings of the day. They’re going to get champagne glasses handed to them. There’s going to have rose petals that are thrown on the floor while they are walking in. You’re going to literally be catered to. Image: Chris Kelley/Brooklyn Tankard


BE: Tell me how you’re using technology to enhance this experience.

Brooklyn Tankard: Recently at New York Fashion Week, I had an opportunity to be one of the first celebrities to experience the first time that virtual reality was used along with a fashion show production. Samsung presented the event and they had these VR goggles and with the goggles, it literally took you to a castle in Milan, which is where they shot the fashion show. When you put on these goggles, you’re in the castle. You can see it, you can touch it; the models are so real to you.

After experiencing that at New York Fashion Week, I said, ‘I really want to implement that into my shows moving forward so, I’m working on a few surprises right now to just really take it over the top–fashion, beauty, music–it all meets technology because that’s the world we’re living in right now.

Image: James Hogan - Vod Photo/Brooklyn Tankard


BE: You were working on, or you are working on a financial app that deals with stocks, is that correct?

Brooklyn Tankard: Well actually, it’s not an app yet. Right now, it’s a Forex trading club. Forex stands for foreign exchange which is the exchange of foreign currency and what a lot of people don’t know

is, it’s the largest financial market in the world. This is how the banks invest our money. This is how the governments invest. This is how the Donald Trumps, let it be known; this is how the Robert Kiyosaki’s, let it be known, honey; this is how they invest. If you look at the top .01% income earners in the world, a lot of them have over 61% of their portfolio tied up in the Forex market.  

To learn more about the Forex trading market and how Tankard is implementing technology into her, “I am Royalty Extravaganza,” watch the full clip below.



Sequoia Blodgett is the Technology Editor for Black Enterprise, Silicon Valley. She is also the founder of 7AM, a lifestyle, media platform, focused on personal development, guided by informed pop culture.

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