Brooklyn Eighth-Grader Becomes Author of Two Books

Brooklyn teen Angela Content is proof that age is nothing but a number when it comes to accomplishing your goals.

The 13-year-old student is a self-published author of not one, but two books that are now available on several sites including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

The ambitious teen used the website CreateSpace to publish her two books, which she said takes about three months each to write. One is a sci-fi fantasy titled Awake and Alive and another is a romance novel titled Shattered.

The young author’s mom, Marie Content, tells CBS New York that she believes her house rules of limited TV watching and Internet surfing helped her daughter fall in love with books and writing and she wishes all parents would follow suit.

“I wish all the parents can do the same — keep the electronic stuff away from the kids and talk to them more; hear what they have to say,” Marie Content says.

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Clearly, Content’s house rules are effective as her daughter is also working on two more books that she hopes to have published by the summer and she’s putting the money that she’s made from her already published books toward her college fund.

Realizing the reward of seeing her goals manifest, young Content offers some advice to peers her age.

“Continue to follow your dreams,” she says. “You’re going to feel great once you actually accomplish what you set your mind to.”

As a backup plan to writing, Content says that she also plans to become a financial planner.

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