Building Business Muscles: 7 Steps to Maintain a Healthy Enterprise

I was recently talking to a new client about her need for a focused business strategy. She explained that she felt like scrambled eggs all over the skillet! Whether you’re in business as a “solo-preneur” or a corporate executive, if you are not taking time daily to “work out” your business activity, then the health of your business may suffer. So let’s grab some weights and go to work!

1. Warm Up and Stretch. Every fitness coach or trainer will teach you how important it is to stretch before you jump into any exercise routine. We should do the same thing with our business. Take the first 10 minutes of the workday to assess the day ahead of you. What do you expect to happen in the day that awaits you? What do you need to do differently today from what you did yesterday? Who do you need to say thank you to for being part of your success team? Who can you help by being part of their success team and make their dreams come true? Remember “today” is called the present for a reason. Make sure you don’t miss the discipline of warming up properly.
2. Work the Routine. When it’s time to work, work! Success is never by accident; it is always on purpose. Prepare for your appointment by underpromising and overdelivering. Review your business model for effectiveness. Don’t be afraid of change; be bold and seek new business daily. Stay open, be intentional, and most importantly be passionate about what you put your hands to. Ensure that your clients and customers have an enjoyable experience when they choose to do business with you.
3. Take Breaks When Needed. The Type A personality feels a strong need to fill every spot of the day. However, gaps are actually good because they prevent overload. Leave breathing room before moving to the next routine: an impromptu business lunch, a 15- minute meet and greet or a quick cup of coffee with a new business referral. Leaving room for gaps will allow you to accept an unplanned-for but potentially rewarding opportunity.

4. Remember to Eat. This seems like a no-brainer, but many busy professionals don’t incorporate proper nutrition into their daily routine. A successful business owner who gets ill because of poor eating habits may eventually need to hang up a “Business Closed” sign. As entrepreneurs, we must prioritize our health. Perhaps your business support staff, Google calendar, or automated notifications can help by reminding you to carve out time to eat properly.

5. Work Hard, Play Harder.

We’ve all heard the saying “separate business from personal,” and I couldn’t agree more. In fact, one of my favorite mottos is “Be where you are at!” If you are working, be at work. If it is family time, be with your family. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, don’t be in one place while your mind is in four other places. When you lose focus and get distracted, mistakes, which cost time, energy, and money to rectify, can and will happen. Set aside time to handle your personal matters so that you can achieve proper balance in your business.
6. Detox, Detox, Detox. Write down all the things you started but didn’t get done but still need to do, and then follow up to do them. Put your to-do list on paper so you can free your mind at the end of the day. If something went wrong that stressed you out, review it and release it. Do not choose to sleep with the enemy of stress and worry.

7. Cool It Down and Relax: As with any good workout, you need to cool down. Locate your outlets. Listen to music, read a book, meditate—find what helps you relax. You are sharper and operate at your fullest capacity when you are well rested, so position yourself to wake up sharp, refreshed, and ready for the next day.

Finally, remember that you should be running the business—the business shouldn’t be running you. Keep your business operating efficiently by incorporating the right routine that gets results. And most importantly, take care of your No. 1 investment: you!

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