Young PR Powerhouse Talks Work-Life Balance

Nikkia McClain of Tene Nicole PR (Image: Facebook)

Who says women can’t have it all? The age old topic of working mothers running successful businesses is often a heated discussion. Working motherhood is often misunderstood and unfairly bashed, but over 26 million women around the globe make it work every day!

As the owner of a boutique public relations firm, Nikkia McClain of Tene Nicole PR, has successfully produced events and worked with clients such as the NBA, NFL, Hot 97 and more. Even greater than that, this coming October, her agency took the philanthropic route and will be hosting their third annual “Shopping Night Out” benefiting the organization “Beating Cancer in Heels.”

No one said the challenge of being an entrepreneur and running a household would be easy, however.

“The greatest challenge that I face as an entrepreneur would probably be the same challenges that many successful working mothers face and that is the ever-changing balancing act,” McClain says. “My family is a priority. Although I love public relations, my family is my motivation. I want to teach my children that quitting is not an option. I want them to be proud of me. As a wife and mother of 4 beautiful and inspiring minds, I am happy to report that they are proud of me. I make them part of my routine. Only once I have done what needs to be done as wife and mother can I even begin to put on my CEO stilettos.”

Working moms who run their own business can’t always do it alone. Having someone in your field who has been through the same situation is often helpful. “My life has been blessed with innumerable mentors, however, there are three women in my professional career that guide, shape and continue to impart their wisdom and valuable information that allows me to remain the grounded and yet savvy business professional that I am,” shares the mother of four.

The journey may be tough, but it is often rewarding. “I am grateful to be living my destiny. Friends and family knew my dreams of becoming a publicist, but as life and time moved along, I became sidetracked. I became a wife, mother, obtained a bachelor’s degree in business administration and established myself as a successful Realtor. It was a chance encounter at an event, which allowed destiny to catch up to my hopes and aspirations.”

The most important thing to note is that you should have an honest and real conversation (with yourself, and also with your spouse) about how you will prioritize and balance on a day-to-day basis. McClain shares that in her situation it took some thought, but she eventually took a leap of faith.

“After a chance encounter and a small breakdown, I made the decision to start my firm in January of 2011. When I told my husband, his response was ‘Great, so next week are you going to want to row a boat.’ Well, that next week, I presented him with a business plan. He was so impressed he made a call to a really good friend who owns a successful PR firm in NYC. After meeting with my husband’s friend for a few pointers, I hit the ground running!”

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