End-of-Year Checklist: 5 Steps to Make a Comeback When It Counts

Fall is now upon us and the final quarter of the year is coming to a close. The proverbial fat lady is starting to hum and ready to sing. However, with strategic focus and clear goals, you still have an opportunity to close the year on a strong note. Fourth quarter comebacks can and do happen to achieve victory. Here are a few playbook strategies to help you get better positioned:

1. Visualize The End Results: It’s extremely important to articulate your desired end result. Clearly identify what success looks like to you. Visualize yourself accomplishing the goal. You have to believe you can do it before you get started, regardless of a few missed “plays” that may have happened earlier in the year. Remember, your mind is like a garden – it grows what you think.

2. Establish Your 90 Day Written Plan: Because you are attempting to make up for lost time already, you don’t have any left to waste. What actions are required for you to achieve your desired goals? You have to create S.M.A.R.T goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-based. Those who write down their goals have a significantly higher chance of accomplishing them compared to those who don’t so partner with your pen!

3. Monitor Target Points: Setup check points to monitor and measure whether you are on course or not. If goals are off target, you need to be aware of that immediately. You may have to prune some processes and projections that aren’t producing desired results. Establish specific targets and make strategic decisions that will help you to get into the end zone!

4. Reward or Consequence: Target points will reveal one of two things– either you are on or off course. If you are on course, reward yourself. You’ve worked hard and actively participated in your

own success. However, if you are off course, then know that one of the consequences is time working against you. Don’t get discouraged, just commit to be “on it” when it comes to executing what specifically needs to happen in your playbook.

5. See What You Saw: In the end, there’ll be no question about whether you achieved your goals. The real question will come down to, did you make the “right” play and score the touchdown! Before any player ever reaches the end zone, they already “saw” themselves there. See yourself winning in your goals and finishing strong to close out 2014. You, alone, have the power to change the game.

Marquita Miller is the founder and CEO of Five Star Tax and Business Solutions— a full service accounting firm in Kansas City, Missouri. A small business expert contributor on CBS & FOX morning shows, Miller is a published author, business strategist, motivational speaker and well known advocate for entrepreneurship. A recipient of Kansas City’s Influential Woman and Woman Who Means Business award, Miller is also a conference speaker and workshop facilitator for TD Jakes Ministries. www.marquitamiller.com. Twitter:@MarquitaMMiller www.facebook.com/MarquitaMMiller

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