Class Work

I am working on my master’s in adult education and distance learning. For my license in school counseling from John Carroll University, I wrote an intervention for at-risk children.
In this blue-collar city, many are not receptive to innovative ideas such as intervention awareness for children, especially African American children.
How can I partner and/or contract with the community and school districts to implement my project? — Z. Todd
Via the Internet

Blue-collar cities are not the only places in the country resistant to education reforms. Sub-standard educational practices are plaguing our nation and, as a result, many minority students will not be prepared for this emerging global economy. Education reform involves political and social changes, but none of the advances or the institution of special programs in this area has resulted without determined activists leading the way.

The good news is that it won’t be hard to find persons in the community and the school district who are frustrated with the status quo. And believe it or not, the easy part was developing the intervention plan. Your challenge now is the same for anyone trying to introduce a new idea, program, or product — whether in the corporate or public sector. You need a support system — allies from every sector of the educational system in your city that are responsible for approving and assisting in the approval of new programs. That

will involve intense networking at all levels of the educational system. You may want to consider finding a mentor/sponsor — someone who is well respected in education and will open doors for you. There are several books you should read including Understanding Educational Reform: A Reference Handbook by Raymond Horn Jr. (ABC-CLIO Inc.;$45).
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