These 6 College Majors Will Secure Your Future

College is the time when you are prompted to make decisions that can affect the rest of your life. You’re encouraged to select a career that will inevitably lead you to a life of fulfillment, joy, purpose, and security–you hope.

Choosing your career relies heavily on what you want in return. Is it money you’re after? Are you looking for a career that leans more toward service? Or are you a creative? Knowing what you ultimately want is the first factor in determining where to sew your collegiate seeds.

If you’re looking for sustainability, competitive salary, and job security, job site, Indeed, has offered insight on what may be the best college majors for you.

“Our recent research tells us that the most high-potential

jobs of the future are concentrated in a relatively few key sectors, creating both an opportunity and a challenge to students figuring out a major,” said Tara Sinclair, Chief Economist for Indeed, in a released statement. “Gone are the days when a college degree could guarantee financial security. It is increasingly important for job seekers to think carefully about where their studies will lead them.”

According to Indeed’s findings, as of 2014, students looking for strong career paths in the future are encouraged to consider computer science, engineering, healthcare administration, and finance majors.

The National Center for Education Statistics also revealed that business, health services, and biological and biomedical services were among the country’s top five most popular majors, while engineering ranked eighth, and computer and information services came in 11th.

These areas of study all have something in common; they’re in high demand, they are expansive, and they require human skills to accomplish. Thus, there is little chance of automation.

All is not lost for those who may opt for a career in the liberal arts. Sinclair suggests that those who are looking into liberal arts careers supplement their degrees with training, courses, related work experiences, or internships in fields that lean more towards those fields that are currently thriving.

Check out Indeed’s list of the majors you may want to look into, to secure your future, below:

1. Computer and Information Sciences


Majors Include: Computer Science, Computer Programming, Computer Networking

2. Engineering


Majors Include: Engineering, Software Engineering, Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

3. Architecture


Majors Include: Architecture

4. Business (Management)


Majors Include: Business Administration, International Business

5. Health Professions and Related Programs


Majors Include: Biology, Nursing, Medical Assistant, Healthcare Administration, Medicine, Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy

6. Business (Finance)


Majors Include: Finance, Accounting, Economics

Check out Indeed for more information.

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