Consumer Tip: Protect Your Financial Information

In light of the record number of data breaches last year, you might feel a bit uneasy about the vulnerability of your financial information. If you’re fearful of the consequences of a data breach, don’t wait to take action until you discover you’re one of the victims. Here are three things you can do proactively:

1. Update your password. This makes it harder for crooks to access your online accounts. But don’t use the same user name and password for every website.

2. Be on the alert for scam emails. Some consumers

received emails from thieves pretending to be from a department store they shopped at recently, offering free credit-monitoring services–in exchange for sensitive personal financial information.

3. Ask your bank to change your credit card number.

Simply changing your debit card PIN won’t be good enough since debit cards can be used without a PIN at most retailers.
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