The Anti 9-to-5: 15 Cool Career Options with Nontraditional Hours

The 9-to-5 may have been good for past generations, but in this age it’s generally not exactly the norm. Competition is thick, and hours are generally extended. If late nights and early mornings are your norm, you’re tired of the morning rush hour commute, and you’re constantly telling yourself that there has to be more to life than this, it may be time to look into a nontraditional career path. Brazen Careerist highlights careers that cater to the worker who wants a more flexible workday.

Freelance Web Designer

The demand for beautiful and functional Web pages is high. So if you’ve got the chops, you can set your own schedule, pick your own projects and make the World Wide Web a more awesome place to browse–from the comfort of your couch.

Average Salary:


Medical care doesn’t stop at 5:00 p.m. As a nurse–as with many medical-related professions–you build your work schedule around flexible shifts. Whether you’re a night owl, early bird or non-traditionalist, you’ve got options.

Average Salary: $66,000

Real Estate Agent
Selling homes is a

‘round-the-clock business. Working with your clients’ schedules, you choose the best times to show off properties. Your on-the-job hours may fall on nights or weekends, but you’ll never have a set routine.

Average Salary: $39,000

Read more at Brazen Careerist

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