CyberSynchs Founder Goes Undercover as ABC’s ‘Secret Millionaire’

Any suggestions for other would-be philanthropists?

I believe that every person possesses the opportunity to give back.  It may not be $150,000, but we can affect change by just interacting with our neighbors.

What can we expect to see from CyberSynchs in the near future?

CyberSynchs is very focused on the global marketplace and we’re doing that by moving from consumer-based sales to a B2B model.  Literally, we are moving from acquiring individual customers to acquiring millions of customers.  I began seeking out overseas partners in 2009, and we’re poised to announce a partnership with a Texas-based telecommunications firm this August that will put us in front of 60 million consumers globally on every imaginable device – mobile, tablets, laptops, cameras, and camcorders.  It places us on a different level and I’m fortunate to have an amazing team that understands my vision and buys into it.

What do you suggest as the best way to get more African Americans involved in creating and inventing technology?

You don’t have to be in technology to create something accessible and game changing.  Look around your everyday life at technologies or utilities and ask ‘how can I make this better?’  Then, research and find out how to bring that product to market.  It’s not just about money; it’s about how you can innovate because you need this tool. The question I ask myself is ‘how can I create a product that is valuable and usable?’

What efforts are you involved in to spread the gospel of technology within African-American communities?

Last October I partnered with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to educate communities on how a focus on STEM can create tangible entrepreneurial opportunities.  It is mind boggling to think that someone created Nintendo, and we need to share that story so people can see this as an entrepreneurial path that they can access.

 Entrepreneurs need tools that allow them to present their ideas and access funding.  This is what we’re working on with the congresswoman. There is much more work to be done on the initiative and we were sometimes frustrated with the media’s lukewarm response to the initiative.

Who has served as a source of encouragement for you?

I have great parents who encouraged me to do whatever was on my heart to do.  But, they cautioned, I also had to work really hard.  Having passion is great, but preparation is equally important.  I found a need in the market, something I could change, and went about making change happen.  Also, I have a survivor’s mentality that helped me navigate New York City when I moved here at 20 with just $1,500.

Who’s the next Amos Winbush III?

I don’t see a “successor”; I believe that someone even better will come along. I want someone to come along who does more than I’ve ever thought of and I hope that they don’t leave anything on the table.

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