Database Search

Q: Please tell me where and what software I can buy to establish a database?
— W. E.Via the Internet

A: Once you decide on what kind of information you want to manage, there are enough user-friendly database programs to choose from. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

First, you should understand the two basic types of databases: flat-file and relational. A flat-file database is a single file that contains a complete database table. A relational database manager allows records to be connected to data in other databases.

Look at the advantages of these three popular databases to help you make your final decision:

FileMaker Pro 7 is one of the easiest and most versatile relational database management software packages because of its ability to import and organize all types of information. This program features simple database design, customized reports, and one-click Web publishing.

Microsoft Access is the powerhouse among database management software. It provides full relational capability, excellent data analysis features, and a wide variety of programming tools.

MyDatabase is a simple, elementary program that’s perfect for individuals who are put off by more complex databases.

You can buy database programs at retail outlets, and you’ll find the biggest selection online. Go to http://shopper.cnet.com where you’ll find product reviews and price comparisons.

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