Developers and Startup Founders: There is Now a Coffee Wearable

Here is a gadget those who may need to pull all-nighters (think programmers and those creating tech startups) are sure to want to know about: Joule, a wearable caffeine device.

Joule is a caffeine bracelet that actually delivers a caffeine-induced jolt when placed on the wrist, because, you know, sipping a cup of joe just takes too long to achieve that boost.

This revolutionary wearable is set to go on sale this August. It is a stylish and adjustable bracelet containing an FDA-approved transdermal caffeine patch that can be worn for up to four hours of effectiveness. The patch is sweat proof, 100% hypo-allergenic, and contains all natural ingredients.

Here are more details on Joule:

  • Sport-fashion bracelet containing an FDA-approved transdermal caffeine patch for long-lasting alertness and focus.
  • Each Joule patch is equivalent to one cup of coffee and is slowly absorbed by the body for up to four hours of effectiveness (compared to traditional coffee which is absorbed over 15-45 minutes).
  • Depending on an individual’s caffeine tolerance, users can wear multiple patches without feeling jittery or suffering from a caffeine crash
  • Suitable for anyone 18+ looking for a feel-good boost without the calories or from a food-based source.
  • Joule is sweat proof, 100% hypo-allergenic and contains essential vitamins and natural ingredients.
  • Each set includes 30 patches and one bracelet. Additional patches and bracelets are available.
  • Joule is a one-size-fits all unisex bracelet featuring an adjustable strap for easy closure and a comfortable fit.
  • Available in blue. Additional colors and watch strap coming soon.
  • Pricing will be $29.

Regular, moderate coffee drinking has been shown to “lower risks for type 2 diabetes, reduce chances of getting gallstones, cut back the likelihood of developing colon cancer, and lessening risks of liver damage in susceptible individuals. Improved cognitive function is, of course, a given since caffeine helps people focus.”

Whether Joule offers the same benefits, remains to be seen.

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