Email Etiquette: 6 Steps to Writing An Effective Email

As we all know, communication is key for any relationship to succeed. With all of the ways that we communicate in this day and age, it’s important we are as transparent as possible to help get our message across. There are countless ways to reach someone that require no face-to-face interaction at all. (How often have you spoken to a co-worker who is right next to you through an email?)

Email is used day to

day and can become so repetitive that no nuance goes into the communication. If you’re interested in more effective communication, Geoffrey James, an Inc. writer, outlines 6 ways to get your message across the right way via email:

1. Have a specific decision in mind.

2. Start by writing your conclusion.
3. Structure your supporting argument into “digestible chunks.”
4. Bolster each argument with evidence.
5. Repeat your conclusion as a “call to action.”
6. Stick a benefit in the subject line.

This method is most effective when trying to institute a change within the company, suggest an idea, or speaking with clients.

Read more at Inc

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