End Your Next Job Interview Like This

Granted, what you say and do during your next interview is, of course, heavily taken into account when employers are deciding who gets the job. However, it’s how you end your interview that could ultimately prove to be a deal maker or deal breaker.

Your conclusion is the last impression you leave on your potential employer before they’re on to the next candidate, thus, it is imperative for you to make it count.

Below are a few suggestions on how you should close out your next interview in order to stand a chance at securing the job you want.


Ask for business cards for all parties involved


Contacts can be currency when utilized effectively. Collect the business cards from everyone involved in your interview process. The cards may come in handy not only in following-up, but they’re also great to have as a resource or if you’re interested in future opportunities. You never know who may be able to assist in moving you along in the interview process so don’t limit the contacts you collect.

Inquire About When You Should Expect Feedback


When wrapping

up your interview, politely ask the interviewer when you may expect feedback on next steps. The answer to this question will help you to gauge the interviewer’s interest and allow for a jump-start on tackling next steps. Knowing what to expect next also eases anxiety as you’re better aware of when you may hear back about whether or not you got the job.

Seal the deal.


Leave a lasting impression, upon your exit, by reiterating to the interviewer why your unique skills and talents make you the ideal candidate. Professionally express your excitement and how you’d look forward to being an addition to the team.

Also, sometimes during interviews you may forget to mention all of the necessary qualifications you possess. This is your last chance. Don’t hesitate to share what you may have forgotten to mention–better now than never.

Send a Thank You Email


Don’t underestimate the power of appreciation. Though recruiters may receive this often, it certainly doesn’t hurt for you to immediately send a personalized message letting them know that you’re appreciative of their time and consideration. State specifics about your interview in your thank you email including what excited you, surprised you, and/or piqued your interest.

Wrap up the message by asking if there is anything else they may need from you in order to help inform their decision. Not only will you look proactive, but you’re already letting them know that you’re determined and willing to go the extra mile.

Here’s the good news–if the job is for you, it’ll be yours. Just be sure to put your best foot forward and let the chips fall where they may.

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