End of the World Checklist: Do You Have Your Financial House in Order?

It’s all over the news, on evangelists’ posters, and in water cooler discussions across the nation: the end of the world. It is predicted to happen Saturday, May 21, 2011 by multimillionaire radio evangelist Harold Camping. Some–arguably in a minority–are fathoming the thought, preparing for their “last day,” while many are carrying on with their everyday routines, taking in the info as folklore or hearsay.

This isn’t the first time the world was predicted to “end,” from Monks’ predicting the end of times back in the 1200s to Camping’s 1994 prediction, a day that came and went like the Jheri Curl. Though, tomorrow may not be the end for all of us–considering the track record of accuracy in past predictions–two things have been unavoidable since the beginning of time: growing old and dying.

Prepare today to get your financial house in order, so that in the very likely case that a major life-changing moment occurs, your family and those left to carry on your legacy are well taken care of. Here’s a checklist to help get you started so you can make sure you’re prepared…in the end:

CREATE A LIVING WILL. You don’t have to be wealthy to need or draft a will. Experts say that without it, when a person dies, no one can handle important loose ends, such as accessing funds in the deceased person’s solely owned bank account, transferring ownership of their vehicles or houses, or collecting stock or liquid assets.

Start by taking an inventory of any assets, including investments, retirement savings,

insurance policies, and real estate or other business interests. This is also where you’d choose a power of attorney, beneficiaries, and an executor or personal representative who would be responsible for taking care of filing the will in court and overseeing the probate process. Be sure to review the will periodically and make adjustments based on any life changes such as marriage, increase in assets/income or birth of a child.

BE SURE YOU HAVE THE PROPER INSURANCES AND COVERAGE. You want to have the right type and amount of insurance to cover any funeral expenses, along with other living expenses for your family and loved ones in your absence. Be sure to review your policies periodically

so that you know you have the right types of insurances upon changes in your life such as child birth and marriage.

GET YOUR CREDIT AND DEBT IN ORDER. Order your credit report free from sites like AnnualCreditReport.com or see whether you qualify to get a free report any time of the year. Be sure all information is accurate and begin steps to resolve any debts you may have. Also, pay close attention to your taxes and prepare early for filing. Make sure you know your net worth and where you could improve or expand. Not only does this help you financially in the long run, but improving your credit can mean lightening the financial burden for a spouse or loved one who might be held responsible for the debt, depending on the state laws and circumstances.

BE SURE YOU HAVE THE PROPER FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS IN A SAFE PLACE. Your will and other documents in reference to financial accounts and matters should be accurate, properly signed, and in a safe place where a responsible, trusted person knows where to locate them in the case of your death.

For more on estate planning and getting your financial house in order, check out:

Life After Death: Financial Fitness Contest Winner

The High Cost of Death: Proper Estate Planning

To Save and Protect: Answers to Taxes and Estate Planning Questions

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