Establishing A Legacy of Wealth: Part 4

Ryan Mack

When all is said and done, we have the ability to take control of our own destinies. Yes, there has been oppression, but we have the capability to do for ourselves and achieve success. “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” (Proverbs 13:22)  It is up to us to work hard so that each of us can build an inheritance; not for ourselves, but for each of our own legacies that we will leave behind.

I have thought many of nights about what makes me happy.  As I hit the pillow, I have thought of all the things that are glorified in the world.  I think about superficial wishes and shallow desires which are so often glorified on the television.  “Phat” rides, gold-filled houses, fancy hotels, champagne wishes, caviar dreams, “fly” gators (alligator skin shoes), “bling-bling” jewelry, spinning wheels, rattling trunks, etc.- are all things that it seems society values.

Not me.  I am by no means wealthy by society’s economic standards today, but I am extremely wealthy. 

I have a family who supports me, friends to laugh and have fun with, a good church home, and most importantly a growing stronger spiritual connection with God.  When I envision myself in the future, I don’t think about fur coats and Rolls Royce vehicles.  I envision myself as being financially independent, disciplined, a good Christian and a good husband with children who are well behaved, educated, and cultured.  I imagine myself coming home to a nice house where my family and I can all live comfortably — a house that is fully paid for with no mortgage.

I go to see my son play basketball games or my daughter play at band competitions.  I can do this because I own my own business, and I have a flexible schedule.  When my kids go to college their college education funds will be fully funded before we hug and kiss them goodbye.  I will retire comfortably knowing that I don’t have to rely on Social Security.  I will have a trust fund to give to my grandchildren when they go to school.  I know that this will not

be given to me, and I understand that I have a lot of hard work ahead of me.  “He who works the land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.” (Proverbs 12:11)  These are the things that I value; this is what I live my life to achieve.

Part 1: Taking The Poverty Out of the People

Part 2: Taking Care of Business

Part 3: Taking Stock of How We Spend

Part 4: Taking Control of Our Destinies

Ryan Mack is the president of Optimum Capital Managment LLC

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