#FamousLies: 3 Career Fibs That Could Ruin Your Future

A popular hashtag on Twitter today is #FamousLies, and there are some infamous fibs that can impact one’s career in a disastrous way. Check out three lies and myths that could make or break your career.

Padding the Resume: It’s never good to embellish information on a resume or including during an interview, especially on information that can surely be verified. Experts typically advise against this, even in the most desperate of times (such as being unemployed for a long period of time). An infamous case of alleged resume padding was when reports surfaced in 2012 a former Yahoo CEO

claimed educational credentials he didn’t have. (He would soon resign from the post.) A better option: Just stick to the truth, find better ways to market the skills you have and be clever about explaining employment gaps.

Getting What You Deserve (vs What You Negotiate): The common saying, “You don’t get what you

deserve. You get what you negotiate,” is not just some cliche. It’s the honest truth about how the world works—especially the business world. “All of life is a negotiation,” notes American Express Open contributor John Mariotti. “Anyone who is married knows that a lot of negotiation goes on in the best of marriages. Teenagers negotiate for the family car or some extra spending money or permission to go to that rock concert. The world of business is
no different.” A better option: Never take the first offer, know what your talents are worth based on the market and your level of experience and negotiate the best package you can get.

Doing a Great Job Is Good Enough: Being an awesome worker bee is great, but if no one of influence will vouch for you behind closed doors or no one even knows how great of a worker you are, you could be passed over for promotions and advancement. Experts say doing great work is just half the battle. Professionals must also be able to connect with co-workers and company influencers in a dynamic way, participate on teams handling the top projects and understand healthy methods of self-promotion.

What’s your opinion: Is it ever good to lie for career advancement? Take our poll below, #Soundoff and follow me on Twitter @JPHazelwood.

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