Finding Life Balance, Day 7: Build and Nurture Healthy Self-Confidence

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In day 7 of our Life Balance series, we urge high achievers — whose journey to excellence can be filled with reward, hard work, and quite a bit of stress — to nurture an unbreakable inner confidence.

Believe it or not, whatever you want is available to you if you have the confidence and belief that you can have what you want and that you deserve it. This does not mean confidence in our degrees, our knowledge, job titles, position, social status, etc. Instead, it is ab

out having a pure and honest confidence in the person you are. Many successful people have achieved career success through their fear of failure. And while such fear can be a powerful and effective motivator, it can also limit your sense
of accomplishment and impede growth in other areas of your life. For many high achievers, confidence is built on external validations like applause, accolades, wins, or promotions. And their ensuring quest to feel this rush keeps them from being engaged in other areas of their lives. True confidence should come from a life well lived and enjoyed … not the proverbial feathers in your cap.

Check us out tomorrow for Day 8’s method: The Courage to be Faithful.

Sheri Riley is founder and chief partnership strategist of GLUE Inc., a premier entertainment consulting and management agency with clients including Converse and CVS Pharmacy. Having a background working with the industry’s top achievers, Riley strives to motivate, teach and inform via her second role as creator of Exponential Living L.L.C., a concept that focuses on creating holistic life balance.

Day 1, Healthy Living Goes Beyond Watching Diet

Day 2: Seek Peace in Not Some — But All — Aspects

Day 3: Create in Yourself a Giving Heart and Spirit

Day 4: Channel Your P.O.W.E.R.

Day 5: Take a Moment to Pause and Evaluate

Day 6: Make Joy and Contentment Your Lifestyle

Day 8: Find the Courage to be Faithfulg>

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