Five Books That Should Be on Your ‘Must-Read List’ for Career-Building in 2018

No doubt you are planning an extraordinary New Year brimming with all of the critical preparation necessary to enrich your mind, body, and spirit. As you streamline your focus and work to enrich your mind, consider the following “hot topic” books as you build out your career success library for 2018:

Lifestorming: Creating Meaning and Achievement in your Career and Life

by Alan Weiss and Marshall Goldsmith

Brief summary: A practical handbook for re-envisioning and redesigning every facet of your life. The authors provide extraordinary access into the thinking and behavior that can help you to achieve uncommon success with newfound confidence. The book’s format provides ample opportunities to delve deeply into your own psyche and do the necessary work through practical exercises focused on a concrete result.

Why you should read it:  No matter the successes you’ve achieved in the past, there is always room for learning and growth. Lifestorming provides the context for igniting new possibilities and helps you remove roadblocks to success in every area of your life. It places readers in the driver’s seat and provides the tools needed to transform your life from the inside out.

Tools of the Titans: The Tactics, Routines, And Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers

by Tim Ferriss

Brief summary: Tim Ferris has compiled more than 200 interviews from world-class performers in this compelling, not-so-little handbook. The interviews contain insights from guests ranging from revered thought leaders to well-known celebrities, athletes and more whose insights provide new ways of examining familiar challenges that we all face, plus the tools to find resolve.

Why you should read it: The book contains great stories, insights,

and insider tips that can help anyone become more thoughtful about how they approach life, as well as embrace success at new levels. The anecdotes are compelling and provide the reader with the courage to look beyond challenges and find meaningful ways to apply the wisdom contained throughout.

Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success

by David Livermore Ph.D.  

Brief summary:  Because business is now conducted on a global scale, success requires more than the mere the application of technical skills. Developing soft skills, such as cultural intelligence, is a prime example. Leading with Cultural Intelligence is a powerful, four-step model that provides important context for managing across cultures.

Why you should read it: No matter what industry you are in, this book provides a practical, deeply researched framework for managing business and personal relationships across

cultures. Whether your work requires travel abroad or simply becoming more culturally astute within the confines of your workplace, you will develop a keen understanding and appreciation for the value of developing a global mindset.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

by  Patrick Lencioni

Brief summary: Teams cam be challenging to navigate. Understanding their dynamics and dysfunctions helps to close the navigation gap. The author uses provocative storytelling to illuminate ideas and make key points. He also provides a clear roadmap that outlines how teams can overcome their most common hurdles and, alternatively, build greater rapport and become more cohesive as a result.

Why you should read it: Teamwork is critical for organizational success and no organization is immune from crisis when teams fail. Learning how teams work, as well as how to navigate

common challenges, can help you lead teams better, and become a more effective team player. The examples are relatable and make the content very accessible. It is a good read for anyone who deals with teams.

Spreakrets: The 30 Best, Most Effective, Most Overlooked Marketing And Personal Branding Essentials

by Ruth Sherman

Brief summary:  Having a commanding presence is critical for every professional. The ability to speak to issues powerfully and communicate with confidence and charisma are each components that distinguish thought leaders from average performers. This book provides insider tips on commanding your platform with competence and confidence like no other.

Why you should read it: These 30 tips will immediately improve your communication acumen, regardless of industry or expertise. If you want to become an effective, standout communicator, you should not be without these “speakrets.”

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