To Fly or to Cruise? That is The Question

One question I get asked pretty often is if it is better to fly or cruise to a certain destination. Unfortunately ,there is no easy answer to this question.

You see, both options have their ups and downs. If you are on a tight budget but you are looking for a getaway trip, taking a cruise may be your best bet. On the ship, most food is served buffet style and is included in the price of the trip. Cruise ships

also usually have an abundance of activities to keep you entertained throughout your day. Some of the cons of taking a cruise are the limited time you have off the boat in a specific place; and in some cases; the feeling of being trapped in one particular place with no escape until the boat docks.

If your pockets allow you to, flying to a particular destination of your choice may be a better option. If you find an all inclusive deal with room and board, as well as meals for the duration of your vacation, consider yourself lucky! Flying to your destination also gives you more time to actually explore the place you visit.

Check out the pros and cons at Travelista.tv

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