Funeral Business Big in African American Communities

Not many people properly prepare for the end. This includes funeral arrangements as well as insurance to take care of expenses and family members. The aftermath is usually an afterthought to be taken care of by those who are left behind. The funeral business in the African American community is one that has a rich and long history.

Madame Noire delves into the beginnings, stemming back to slavery.

“If you’ve ever picked up a fan in a Baptist church, chances are you’ve seen an appropriately misplaced ad for So-and-so’s Funeral Home inked across the back. There’s a logic to marketing death at church; in the African-American tradition afterlife services for even the least spiritual are held at the family church. But there’s something beyond that religious affiliated advertising that’s made the funeral business so prominent in the Black community. This rich history of interment should lay your curiosities to rest.”

Read more at MadameNoire

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