Get A Chance To Win $5000 In Cash For Your Side Hustle By Donating To Charity

$5000 may seem like spare change to some people. But it could mean the world to others. It can be used to start an emergency fund or maybe even kickstart a new business. There’s a wealth of possibilities one can do with five thousand dollars.

But right now, having $5000 enter your bank account can be as easy as sharing your blessings to charity. In the Win the entries-to-win-the-5k-cash-giveaway-donate-to-charity?utm_source=blackenterprise.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=100-entries-to-win-the-5k-cash-giveaway-donate-to-charity&utm_term=scsf-473020&utm_content=a0x1P000004ZD0nQAG&scsonar=1" target="_blank" rel="noopener">$5K Cash Giveaway & Donate to Charity

organized by StackCommerce, you can get a chance to win $5000 in cash to spend on whatever you want, whether it’s an overdue vacation, a home renovation project, or to fund a side hustle. All you have to do is make a donation to the Playing for Change Foundation to include your name in the running to win the grand prize. The more you donate, the higher your chances of winning.

The Charity

The Playing for Change Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization aimed at using music education to create positive change for children and communities in need across the world. The organization was founded in 2007. They’ve already helped over 2,000 children from various countries have access to music and arts education through

their schools and programs. Also, they’ve provided jobs to musicians and administrators in different communities worldwide. In this giveaway, you can play a part in helping them flourish even further.

It’s been a tough year, and you deserve an influx of cash to fall on your lap. If you want a chance to win that $5k, donate to one of these options.

You have until July 17, 2021 at 11:59 PM PT when the giveaway ends to enter. The winner will be announced on or around July 18, 2021 via email and/or phone. Keep your eyes peeled on your notifications.

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