Get It Together

Put an end to scribbling phone numbers and appointments on loose sheets of paper. The latest release of Now Up-to-Date & Contact is a valuable tool for organizing your contacts, your calendar, and your life.

This easy-to-use software keeps track of all your information and organizes it by categories and key words. Glance at your schedule by day, month, or year and keep track of recurring meetings or

appointments. You can even do group scheduling and send reminders. We found Now’s Quick E-mail feature especially helpful. Click on the names of friends or business associates and their e-mail addresses automatically appear in the Send To bar. And QuickContacts allows you to organize the businesses and people you call or e-mail the most. Get creative and customize your entries by adding JPEG or GIF images.

Designed for home and office use, Now makes inputting information in your Mac or PC a breeze. And the sync feature makes it simple to update your desktop from your Palm handheld. (www.poweronsoftware .com; $119.95)

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