Scary Easy! Quick Ways to Save Big This Halloween

Halloween is approaching and it’s not just for kids. Some adults love to play dress-up as much, but creativity can be costly. Preparing for the holiday doesn’t have to haunt your budget after Halloween.

Here are some shortcuts that can save you a few bucks:

Re-purpose Costumes: So, your Avatar costume from 2010 may look a little dated, but surely some part of the costume can be reused if you put some imagination into it. Try using old

clothing that doesn’t quite fit or h
as been stained or tarnished in some way instead of buying brand new garb for the holiday. Visit here for inspiration ideas.

Swap Costumes: If you have friends with children the same age as your own, try swapping costumes with them. It will save you money, but more importantly time.

Skip the Chocolate: Stores are selling candy at discounts because people are buying things early, but come Halloween eve stores will practically give the stuff away. So, wait until then and save big on candy. It tends to cost more than regular bagged candy around this time of year.

Got any other tips? Share in the comments, or shout to me @KeishaJenkins!

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