Love & Tech: Heal Your Heartbreak (on Social Media) with KillSwitch

Although there will be many people celebrating love this Valentine’s Day, there are some people who have been ditched—and will be recovering from heartbreak. It’s bad enough if your relationship status has been announced on Facebook, going from “in a relationship” to the attention grabbing “it’s complicated”, and ultimately to the dreaded “single” status. Whether this is a recent development, or something that has happened awhile back, you probably still have constant reminders of your significant others presence. But have no fear, you can solve this dilemma.

A recent mobile app, KillSwitch, which will make its debut on Valentine’s Day, allows Facebook users to eliminate their exes. The app crawls through your profile for information regarding your ex (photos, statuses, etc.), and destroys them. For $0.99 in Google Play and the App Store, your reminder could be gone. Hopefully you remained friends with them long enough for the app to do its job.

Read more at Mashable…

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